Shaping steel is in our DNA
From our background, we learnt how to be people first, and businessmen afterwards. We do not claim we are good at it, we let our customers judge. We prefer defining ourselves as honest, authentic, straight and unconventional.
Before anything else, we have a history of being future oriented and thinking outside the box. That is what leads us in every choice we make: from quality to sustainability, from mutual respect to safety.
From our land, we learnt how to turn ideas into tangible actions. To take action in our job and life, to take action for our company and for our land, by bonding with our community and reaching challenging goals. Two sides of the same face: ours.
Since 1977 we have been manufacturing semi-finished products of light metal carpentry offering industrial co-design service. Since then, we have been meeting the needs of multinational companies, both Italian and international, operating in the fields of electric equipment, air conditioned, refrigeration, humidification and generic air treatment.
The challenge that the industry presents us today is to maintain a high level of industrial performance while fully respecting the environment and the work of everyone involved. For 4 EMME, this means constant technological innovation, highly qualified technical staff, and continuous training. This way we ensure our customers the best possible solution in terms of quality and sustainability.
And then there is experience, professionalism, honesty and passion for this job.
Because shaping steel has always been in our DNA.
We have got the numbers…
When words fall short, concrete actions are there to testify.
percentage of females
sqm of production area
Countries with which we cooperate with
years of industry experience
Our core value
Credits: Davide Busetto
Contact us

4 EMME Srl - Via Risorgimento, 27, 30010
Pegolotte di Cona (VE)
Follow us
Numero REA : VE – 294668 - P.IVA, Codice Fiscale e n. iscrizione al registro imprese: 03253590271 - Capitale Sociale € 100.000,00
Credits: photos and videos (where not otherwise indicated) R-one.eu